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Testing Connectors

Multiple tests suites compose the Airbyte connector testing pyramid

Common to all connectors

🤖 CI

If you want to run the global test suite, exactly like what is run in CI, you should install airbyte-ci CLI and use the following command:

airbyte-ci connectors --name=<connector_name> test

This will run all the tests for the connector, including the QA checks and the Connector Acceptance tests. Connector Acceptance tests require connector configuration to be provided as a config.json file in a .secrets folder in the connector code directory.

Our CI infrastructure runs the connector tests with airbyte-ci CLI. Connectors tests are automatically and remotely triggered on your branch according to the changes made in your branch. Passing tests are required to merge a connector pull request.

Connector specific tests

🐍 Python connectors

We use pytest to run unit and integration tests:

# From connector directory
poetry run pytest

☕ Java connectors


Airbyte is undergoing a major revamp of the shared core Java destinations codebase, with plans to release a new CDK in 2024. We are actively working on improving usability, speed (through asynchronous loading), and implementing Typing and Deduplication (Destinations V2). For this reason, Airbyte is not reviewing/accepting new Java connectors for now.

We run Java connector tests with gradle.

# Unit tests
./gradlew :airbyte-integrations:connectors:source-postgres:test
# Integration tests
./gradlew :airbyte-integrations:connectors:source-postgres:integrationTestJava

Please note that according to the test implementation you might have to provide connector configurations as a config.json file in a .secrets folder in the connector code directory.